Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Adventures in the mountains with my family

Wow it has been a while since I have last written!
4th of July weekend was a blast!

For me it started on thursday when I got off work. It was a fun little adventure. My dad picked me up from work to take me to get my car. While we were on our way to get my car Jacob called me because he got stuck at Bean's and Brew downtown. Luckily I was able to save him. Jake bought me a very delicious Iced Chai then we went to dinner at one of my new favorite restaurants Cafe Med. They serve greek food and oh lord it is amazing. We then pestered my mom to let me borrow some movies. Jake had never seen Across the Universe or Harry Potter: Order of the Pheonix. It was fun to just have a relaxing night. We just watched the movies and hungout with his dad.

Friday was awesome just because I was able to sleep in until 3:00pm. When I woke up I waited until 8 until I was finally ready for the day. Me and Jake then went up Big Cottonwood Canyon to say hello to my parents and give them their camera. After that it was off to a bar named Republican. Had a beer there then we went to a party at Becky # 1' place. A little bit about Becky #1.. Well first off her name is Becky, she has black framed glases, and she has a monroe peircing on the same side as mine. To say the least when I met her at the bar we were instanly friends. She is a way cool chick. So party at her house. Got a little drunk there. Topher met up with us then he took me home to sleep =)

Saturday again slept in late. Took a long time to get ready. Then me and Topher went over to my grandpa Hilton's house to set off fireworks with Sarah, Shaun, and little Addie. It was so much fun. Me and Topher lit off seven screamers at once we're lucky we can still hear after that. After setting off fireworks my sister invited us to go have some drinks at her place. When we got there Sarah and Shaun were playing scrabble. I tried to help my sister win the game. We cheated a little bit. But it was still way fun. Then we went to a party at Cassie's friends house. It was pretty fun. We all got hungry and then left.

Sunday. Oh were to begin sunday was so much fun! My family, topher and lisa all went up Big Cottonwood Canyon to have Linner(lunch/dinner) with my parents. It was so much fun. We went on lots of little adventures. Here are some pictures.

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